Scorecard #1

Clue's Score

So today, I am going to do several scorecards for some games. This first one will be about clue. It will inlcude 4 rounds, and I am going to explain the rules for the game, pieces, etc. We are going to have fun with this. Keep on going!

So here is something that you should know about clue before I show you some scores. Clue is a mystery game. All players are trying to solve the mystery. The one who figures out the mystery wins. The mystery is this:Find out who the killer was, what weapon it is, and in what room. If you get all three, then you should win, unless, of course, someone get lucky before you and just takes a great guess. That's the bascs. Now, let's get into details.

  • Take a token and put it in the assigned colored space
  • Place each weapon in a random room
  • Sort the cards by type into three groups: Suspects, Rooms, and Weapons
  • Shuffle. Depending on how many players, you will divide them evenly among them
  • On your checklist, check off all the cards you have in your hand
  • You are ready to play!
  • Now you have your setup. You also have your rules. Surprise! So now I am going to show you a sample of what your check list should look like, and then a final score. To find out more about Clue, click here.

    Check List for Clue
    Rooms Weapons People Yes
    Living Room Knife Scarlett Yes
    Billard Room Rope Mr. Green Yes
    Ball Room Gun Colonial Mustard Yes
    Kitchen Candlestick Professor Plum Yes
    Dining Romm Wrench Peacock Yes
    Library Mrs. White Lead Pipe Yes
    Conservetory Dr. Orchid None to be listed Yes
    Lounge Miss Peach None to be listed Yes

    So now you got your check list, and all, so now it is time for some scorecards of a game of what it might look like

    Scorecard #1:Clue
    Scorecard #2:Soccer
    Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
    Mom Dad Rachel Jamie Faith Jesse Seth Gracie William Charlie
    Win Lose Lose Win Lose Win Lose Lose Win Lose
    Lose Lose Win Lose Win Lose Win Lose Lose Win
    Lose Win Lose Lose Win Lose Lose Win Win Lose

    People are playing mulitple games. Where it says "rounds" it means that they switched to another group. In case you are confused by all that. Remeber:Rounds=People switching with previous group to play. And the Columns represents how many games were played. Now, I am going to give you a couple links that will lead you to other scorecards. May or may not be the same way. Here's an image. I put it in because it looks cool.